
Digging Pitt Gallery • 4417 Butler Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15201
November 10, 2007 — January 12, 2008
Public Reception • December 8, 2007 6-9pm

The Evolution of Heat
Sacrificial Tree

Agni Gallery • 170 East 2nd Street • New York, NY 10009
November 1, 2007 — November 30, 2007
Public Reception • November 3, 2007 6-9pm

this box that I am

When John Morris first told me about his thoughts for an exhibition of artists who have blogs, I liked the idea. When he asked me to be a part of the show, I was honored — but wasn’t sure if I could be considered a serious blogger.

I use my blog as a personal journal, a place to examine my feelings about the work I create. I find that presenting myself in this public forum forces me to attach words to my feelings. Expressing myself verbally isn’t something that comes naturally to me, it is work.

What I have realized about myself through my blogging experience is that I can express myself verbally. I have found that identifying the right words to express my feelings becomes easier with each post. Of course, this spills out into my everyday life, giving me a verbal confidence I didn’t have before.

A note of thanks goes out to Kevin Clancy, David Pohl and Elizabeth Perry — fellow bloggers who’s blogs who inspired me to venture into this realm. I think it’s pretty cool that they are also a part of The Blogger Show.


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